Friday 6 June 2014

Graduation Cupcakes

A lady at worked asked me if I would make cupcakes for her son's graduation barbeque. She wanted 60 graduation themed cupcakes with green and yellow icing to represent the school colours. Sounded straight forward enough and I was excited to do it. I'd never done anything for a graduation. I decided to make fondant diplomas, tied with licorice, with the words "Congrats", "Cole", and "2014" made out of chocolate.

For the most part everything went as planned, but there were a few mishaps. First, my husband was digging around in the deep freeze and accidentally shook up my container of chocolate "congrats". He said he check them and didn't think any of them were broken. As I expected, every single one of them were broke. Luckily, they don't take long to make so it wasn't much trouble to do them again. I still had to melt chocolate to make the 2014's anyway.

Then when putting the last pan of cupcakes into the oven I managed to catch the pan on the oven door and spilled pretty much all of it into the oven. That caused some delay while I scrapped burning cupcake off the element before whipping up a new batch.

It was fairly warm in the house while I was decorating and I could barely touch the chocolate words or else they melted. I broke a few that way. That is why I always make extra of everything! I had to very carefully maneuver the words in to place with the spatula I was using to lift them off the wax paper.

By 1 in the morning they were all boxed up and ready to go!

I thought they turned out pretty good but had to wait until Monday to hear how they went over. And I was so glad when my co-worker came in said they went over very well! Only 3 left! So, Congratulation to Cole on his high school graduation!

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