Monday 9 June 2014

Baby Shower!

My sister and brother-in-law recently welcomed a baby girl into their family. I finally got to meet her last weekend at her baby shower. She is a sweetheart!

You can't have a shower without a few games so we played the "Nursery Rhyme Quiz". There are several versions of this on line. I found one I liked and printed it out.

I had the guests bring baby pictures of themselves and we had a fun time figuring out who was who. It was a little tricky but everyone did a pretty good job at guessing!

We also played a baby version of pictionary. I wrapped up a bunch of baby/little girl things (socks, hair elastics, bubble bath, pants, shirt, shoes, sidewalk chalk, a couple toys, headbands, baby food, etc.) and then wrote what was in the present on a paper and taped it to the outside. The person drawing picked a present, read the paper and had to draw it. The rest had to guess and the one with the winning guess got to unwrap the present for my niece. It was a lot of fun! There are lots of talented ladies out there!

Naturally, I had to make a cake!

The fondant kind of faded on the drive there (a couple hours drive), which surprised me because it pretty over cast. I should have added more dye to it from the beginning to make the fondant brighter, but I thought I had already added a lot and it was getting really late so I called it good enough. I actually had my husband helping me out. He rolled the little balls and did an excellent job! And a rubber duck is the perfect topper for a baby shower cake!

I forgot to plan the punch, so the night before the shower, after I'd finished the cake, I was searching for a quick and easy punch recipe that was pink and I came across this recipe. Best punch ever! When I got to the city I had to stop for a few things - include the punch ingredients. I couldn't find cranberry ginger ale (they probably don't sell it in Canada!) or raspberry sherbet, so I bought 7-up and berry sherbet. It was so good. Probably the best punch I have ever had, and I've had some awesome punches! I am a huge ice cream person, (and chocolate person! Although, strangely, chocolate ice cream is not my favorite!) so this punch recipe was an amazing find for me! I really can't believe I'm only finding about about it now! And you can use a different kind of sherbet for every occasion! And it gets all foamy and like a bubble bath...

so, of course, I stuck another duck in it for my new niece!

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