Monday 27 May 2013

It's a LEGO Birthday - Getting Ready

My son loves LEGO. Long ago he decided he wanted a LEGO cake for his birthday. I searched the internet for cakes but couldn't find one I liked. I really wanted to combine pirates and LEGO since Seth really likes the LEGO pirate ships and we have the play ship in the backyard. Then I came across these silicone forms.

Now this was something I could work with! First off I made LEGO chocolates. I've melted chocolate many times, however this time I thought maybe I should do it the correct way using boiling water. Does it ever work well!! I shouldn't be surprised I guess, but I always thought just doing it on the stove top was quicker and easier. Never again!

This is the first time I've ever used silicone moulds. I couldn't believe how easy it was to get the chocolates out! Just turn them inside out! So much easier then the plastic moulds I have.

They turned out so well that I didn't want to stop at chocolates! So with the mini figure moulds I made candles for the cake, and crayons for the loot bags.

For the candles I just melted some cheap tea lights I had and used some wicks I had left over from a couple of years ago. I tried to dye the wax but the wax just burnt to the bottom of the tin I was using. Probably should have added it a little later. I ended up using a permanent marker and coloured them to match a pirate mini figure.

For the crayons I dug through the crayon box looking for broken crayons of similar colours and melted them together. I made 4 different colours and each kid got 3 crayons.

Since I bought that Shrinky Dink plastic before Christmas for my Advent calendar I've wanted to make key chains. This was the perfect opportunity. I found a website that had the LEGO font and printed out the names of all the kids coming to Seth's birthday party, traced them on to the plastic, and shrunk them in the oven.

For the loot bag I also put together a collection of LEGO colouring pages for a colouring book, added a fun water bottle and a little bag of LEGO candy with a few chocolate toonies.

Since I was going for a pirate LEGO theme I thought it would be fun to do a treasure hunt with the loot bags being the treasure. I drew 10 clues and put them in little LEGO boxes to hide around the yard. My drawing skills are not very good at the best of times, and since I was doing this at 11:00 the night before I wasn't very worried about how they looked! (The kids didn't have any trouble locating the treasure, so they couldn't have been that bad!)

I got the idea for a utensil holder from this blog and made a napkin holder to match!

This is the most effort I have ever put into a birthday party and it actually wasn't that hard. Everything I made was fairly simple, just required a little bit of time, with the exception of the cake. And it turned out so well it deserves it's own post! :)
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. SO awesome! You put a ton of work into this party!!! The legos look so real! You are an amazing mom!
