Monday 28 October 2013

Curtains and Dust Ruffle

First off, I'll answer the question you are all wanting to ask. Yes I finished cross stitching my daughters Christmas stocking! I still have to sew a back on it, but the time consuming part is done! She will be the first of my 3 children to have her stocking done for her first Christmas!

And speaking of my daughter, I finally made curtains out of the fabric my aunt found at a garage sale. They didn't take my very long, once I decided which fabric to use. In the bag my aunt gave me there were yards and yards of 6 different corresponding fabrics. It was a little overwhelming! I started sewing while the kids were having their "afternoon nap", and finish them late that night.

I also made a change table cover, which is basically just a pillow case.

And a dust ruffle.

With the left over fabric, and there is a lot, I'll make a bed spread...or two! But not until after Christmas, at least! Now to complete her room we just need to paint her room a pretty pink or purple!

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