Thursday 16 February 2012


So, Valentine's Day has come and gone. Usually I try to make a few Valentines, but just never got around to it. Last Saturday we did make some cookies and the boys painted a bit. I made some cute little boxes for Valentine treats. It was mostly a ploy to keep them from fighting, since they were both in a grumpy mood! It worked pretty well and I only had a little paint to scrub of the table!

Then I decided to try to make heat/ice packs. It was something fun that Seth could help with and a way to get rid of the sticky rice I accidentally bought. They were quick and easy to make. Really they are just bags of rice that can be froze or microwaved for sore muscles or cold feet!

Finally, I made a Raspberry Strawberry Sponge Torte. I'm really surprised I ended up with enough strawberries since everyone kept stealing them! It was pretty good, would have been better with whipping cream. I didn't think you were supposed to serve torte with whipping cream, but really considering how amazing whipping cream is - it should be served with everything!


  1. Wow, your Valentine's cake looks amazing!
    Do the rice bags work? How do you store them?

  2. Thanks! :) The rice bags hold heat surprising well. They don't have to be stored in a special way, just need to put them in a place where I can find them again!
