Monday 11 June 2018

PS4 Birthday Cake

My nephew always requests fun birthday cakes. Last year he decided he wanted a PS4 cake, with one of his favourite games sitting on top. Since I'm a terrible artist I got a local bakery to print a picture of the game to stick on the cake. It was the first time I used the edible picture printing, and I was quite impressed! Simple to use, saves copious amounts of time, and looks great!

The pictures aren't the greatest since the majority of the cake is black.

But you get the idea!

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Humboldt Bronco Quilt

I'm sure you have all heard of the devastating Humboldt Bronco's bus crash last month. There isn't anything more I can say that hasn't been said already. While I didn't know anyone on the bus, Humboldt is in my neck of the woods and my family and I try to take in a few SJHL hockey games every year.

The Haus of Stitches in Humboldt put out a request for lap quilts. Their goal was 200 quilts, and the plan was to give them to the people most effected by this tragedy. My sister and I got together and sewed a lap quilt to donate to the cause.

It is such a cute and simple pattern, I can definitely see myself making it again!

My kids even got in on sewing quilt blocks for the Humboldt Broncos. Someone at our local quilt shop donated fabric and the kids went in to help sew some blocks!

I just checked the Facebook page and it sounds like they received upwards of 1000 quilts from all over the world. That is so incredibly amazing! Quilts have already been given to the Nipawin Hawks, and to the staff at the Humboldt radio station. For whoever ends up with our quilt - I hope it brings you little comfort.

Friday 11 May 2018

Jelly Roll Race Quilts

In the past week a couple people have mentioned my blog to me, which reminded me that I do have a couple of faithful readers - thank you to them!

I know it seems that all I make are cakes, however the last few months I've busy making quilts as well! I have recently discovered Jelly Roll Race quilts. They are the quickest, cutest blankets around. Jenny from Missouri Star Quilt Company has a great tutorial on You Tube.

The this was my very first jelly roll race quilt. It was kind of a spur of the moment purchase. I was in our local quilt shop, with my kids, when I saw the jelly rolls and they happened to be 20% off. I had been wanting to make one for a while and so right then and there I decided to pick one out, go home and sew it up. I was very excited!

I actually kept this blanket for myself and I love it!! I like to put borders on them. It just finishes them off and makes them a little bit bigger.

This quilt got all my kids excited about jelly roll race quilts - honesty I think they just like the name!

My daughter wanted to make one, so we went to the fabric store and she picked out the one with the most pink.

We are using hers for a picnic blanket.

I have a couple more jelly rolls, and when I get them sewn into quilts I'll show you!

Thursday 5 October 2017

Navy and White Wedding Cake

My cousin got married last year and she asked if I would be able to make their wedding cake. She sent me a couple pictures before deciding on this one. It was the first wedding cake I have made that wasn't all white. It nice to do something a little different. Simple and elegant.

It is a little hard to tell from the pictures, but the tiers are navy blue with little edible beads.

The cake was also supposed to have a few real white roses stuck in it. Unfortunately, the florist had the wedding date mixed up and didn't have any of the flowers ready. They really had to hustle to get the bouquets put together for the bridal party! The flowers did arrive, however not in time for me to get them into the cake.

It turned out well even without the flowers!

First Communion and Confirmation Cake

My son celebrated his First Communion and Confirmation last year. Such an occasion definitely requires a cake!

This is my favourite way to quickly decorate a cake - especially for this cross cake pan which has so many edges. It is easy, doesn't take any time at all and looks awesome!

Paw Patrol Birthday Cakes

These cake were for twin girls last year. Their favourite show was Paw Patrol - much like very other toddler!! Kids just can't resist those cute puppies. My daughter just saw these pictures and now she is determined to have a Paw Patrol birthday cake! We will see how many more times she changes her mind before then!

I didn't want to make them exactly the same, so I reversed the colours and chose different puppies to make.

Marshall turned out a little better then Zuma, but I was happy with the end result!

Those streamers in the background were still up from my son's birthday party, which was weeks before. He didn't want them taken down! I haven't put his cake up yet, but will soon!

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Make Up Cake

This was a fun cake to make. Bright colours and very girly! It was for my husband's niece. I was able to make all the pieces ahead of time so putting it together didn't take very long.

As you can see there is a 7 lying beside the cake. It got stuck in once the cake was delivered. I didn't actually make it to the birthday party - instead left the delivery and set up to my very capable husband. I just didn't get a picture of it completely finished!