Tuesday 30 December 2014

A Christmas Dress

One thing that was on my Absolutely Must Do Before Christmas List was to make my little girl a dress. I've been wanting to make her one for a while now and Christmas seemed like the perfect excuse. I've never made a dress before, although I've sewn quite a few simpler articles of clothing. I found a Butterick pattern for a cute party dress that didn't look too hard and after going Christmas shopping made a pit stop at Fabricland. I picked out some deep red satin and some really pretty embroidered organza. I couldn't wait to get working on it!

The pattern itself was quite simple and I was making the plainest dress. I sewed up the skirt first and then started on the bodice. Everything was going well, until I realized I was going to have to gather the sleeves. I'm not sure why that didn't occur to me sooner! (Not that it mattered - I still would have bought the pattern!) Gathering is not my favourite thing to do, but my mom told me if I hand basted the sleeve the gathering would go a lot smoother. And it did, but as I was gathering 5 miles of sleeve into 3 inches I couldn't help but think if Marilla had told Anne of Green Gables to make her own dress with puffed sleeves, if she wanted one so badly, Anne probably wouldn't have mentioned it again. I did, eventually, get it all gathered and I did get both sleeves sewn in. (Twice!) And if I thought gathering the sleeves were a pain, the skirt was worse!

I didn't quite get the dress done before it was time to leave for my parent's farm, which is where we were going for Christmas. I just had to hand stitch the lining of the bodice down and attach the ribbon - which I forgot to bring with me!!!

Regardless, the dress was still so cute and she looked like such a little princess.

My mom found an old flower girl dress and took the bow off of it for me to use.

I made a size 3 so it is just a little bit too big for her. It should fit her for a little while at least, which was the plan! Now that I've made one dress successfully I'm sure it won't be hard to find a reason to make another! Like my brother's wedding next fall!

Monday 29 December 2014

Froggy Rag Blanket

Quite a while ago, not long after my kids went back to daycare, one of the daycare workers asked me where I got my daughter's frog blanket. She said her daughter absolutely loved frogs and she had been on the lookout for a froggy blanket for a while. So, fast forward a few months and I come across my scrap frog flannel. Now the thought had crossed my mind a couple of times to make her a blanket, so when I found the flannel, I thought - why not!? It is always nice to know you are appreciated and she has been so good with my kids, and has given my daughter some hand-me-downs and it is Christmas time! The perfect time for random acts of kindness, as my dad reminded me!

I didn't have very much frog flannel left, but luckily I did have 4 or 5 different kinds, and I used them all! I also had a couple meters of bright green with flowers that I had bought forever ago because I loved it. I used it to pull all the frog flannel together and make it a more little girly. It was a good thing I had that flannel stashed away, otherwise I wouldn't have had enough fabric to make a blanket!

It took me a little while to figure out a pattern with all my different squares. When I did finally did come up with something I was happy with, and I can't believe I'm admitting this, I sewed it together wrong! Somehow the whole pattern was shifted off center and I just don't know what happened! I laid out the top, laid out back, flipped over the the back squares, and moved the top over, sandwiching in the batting. My oldest was helping me, but I was monitoring him closely. There was one time when the boys were driving their trucks over the squares on the floor and they mess up a bunch of them but I thought I had it back together properly. I guess that might explain the last couple of rows, but it certainly doesn't explain the rest of it! Clearly I should not have been sewing and probably sleeping instead! Once the pattern was laid out I was just concentrating on one row at a time and by the time I noticed it was wrong it was almost done and too late to correct it. I didn't have time, or energy to seam rip the whole thing and honestly it turned out fine anyway. So if anyone asks - that is how I planned it!

It is hard to see, but instead of doing the traditional X across the squares, I only sewed across it once and turned each square to create a chevron quilting pattern. (Which also might of contributed to my to troubles - but I thought it would look neat - and it did!) My squares were only 8 inches so I thought it would be enough to hold the batting.

The back...again, I can't explain what happened to the pattern - the blue diamond should be in the middle...

I left it at the daycare for Rachel before Christmas and between sick kids and holidays we haven't been back yet. I did get a Facebook message from her, though, and she said her daughter loves it and takes it everywhere she goes!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Craft Sale

Last year my sister and I were talking about how it would be kind of fun to put a table in at a craft sale. The more we talked about it, the more excited we got about it. So much so that we actually decided to do it. And then for the next 6 months we did more talking about it then sewing. The lists we made were very impressive! I think the biggest problem was that we didn't know where to start. We didn't know what people would be looking for, or even if they would like our stuff. But as the day drew closer we stopped worrying about it and got to work, otherwise our table would have been pretty empty!

For the most part, we stuck with what we knew - baby blankets! My sister made other baby related items such as car seat covers, toy giraffes, and receiving blankets. I made a couple of simple card table playhouses, fleece throws and bags. We also made bath salts (they were a big hit!), sugar scrub and recipe-in-a-jar mixes.

On Pintrest I saw a picture of a strawberry purse, and it didn't look too complicated, so I drew up a pattern, and made a few.

I had the purple fish fleece throw that I made a while back, and I made another one in blue. I also made a couple more ladybugs. I love these throws! I recently came across a few more fleece throw patterns and I hinted to my husband that perhaps they would make a good Christmas present!

I really wanted to make some card table playhouses because I think they are so great. My kids love the one in our basement. As a matter of fact I tried to take it down the other day to clean up the basement and my almost 2 year old daughter wouldn't let me! I wouldn't have had time to make actual houses like I did before, so I was glad when someone (maybe my husband?) came up with the idea of using camo fabric and making forts. I happened across some pink camouflage, and then got some regular green/brown camouflage. It was definitely my husbands idea - I remember now!

I also made some hobo lunch sacks, of course! The pattern is by Gingercake and it was used with permission. My mom told me that my littlest sister wanted one for her birthday, so she got to pick her's first.

And here are the other ones - sorry about the awful picture! I was in a rush!

And some tote bags. These are so handy!

I also sold the three baby blankets I made in the spring.

It sure didn't seem like I had much stuff, but when put together with my sister's stuff then tables sure filled up fast!

The craft sale was a month ago, and it was Thursday to Saturday. We discovered 3 days was a little long for a small city. (Especially when you are sitting beside the arcade games with the repetitive music!) They first day was the busiest, the next 2 were quite a bit slower. Overall we did really well, considering we had no idea what we were doing! Some things that we were sure would sell didn't, and other things that we were positive wouldn't sell did, so I guess you never know. You just have to wait for the right person to come by. We were very happy with how our crafts went over. It definitely was a confidence builder. We received so many nice comments - one lady actually said our sewing skills were "magnificent"! I wouldn't go that far, but we did have nice stuff! And a little different from the rest of the tables, which I think helped draw people in.

Would we do it again? Probably, but if we did I think we would try to find a one day sale, perhaps in a busier center and see if that would make a difference. And start preparing a little sooner!